Can Bed Bugs Go Away On Their Own?

If you are currently dealing with bed bugs or have dealt with them in the past then you know that this is something that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. Not only are the creatures troublesome, but they can be a real nightmare for the home. When they aren’t biting you in the middle of the night, they are crawling around the home leaving feces everywhere. Just the thought alone is enough to drive some people out of their own homes. And, if you can’t feel comfortable in your own home, where can you feel comfortable? Nowhere, the answer would be nowhere. This is why it is time to take back your home, but this won’t be easy. It won’t be easy because, unfortunately, bed bugs do not go away on their own. An infestation will require some kind of treatment. It doesn’t necessarily have to be professional, but that is without a doubt your best option. A1 Bed Bug Exterminator Miami

The Reproduce Extremely Fast

One of the first things that you need to know is that when bed bugs move into the home they have several goals. Of course, their ultimate objective is to find a safe place where they can hang out for a few days. Their next goal will be to find a viable food course, which will be you, your pets, and your children. Scary enough, right? Well, it gets even scarier. Their next objective will be to reproduce. And, this is something that they are incredibly good at. Bed bugs are capable of reproducing at alarming rates, and this is just one of the many reasons that they will not go away on their own. They want to reproduce and build families, just like their human counterparts.

They Are Extremely Resilient

Another reason that you cannot wait out bed bugs is that they are extremely resilient. Do you know one of the reasons that bed bugs are so hard to eliminate nowadays? It is because they have grown immune to some of the chemicals and treatments that used to kill them out in the past. Luckily, there are tons of bed bug treatment Miami FL options available, but you also need to know that not all of them will be suitable for your specific situation. You will need to work with a professional that can help you and your family devise a plan that will be suitable for your exact situation.

Their Feeding Habits

A lot of people think that they can starve bed bugs out. This is not true at all. Bed bugs are not only extremely resilient, but they can go long periods of time without feeding. Heck, they will even adapt their feeding habits to match that of yours. For instance, if you sleep during the day and work at night, bed bugs will adapt. They will change their sleeping patterns to match that of yours. Not only this, but they can go months and months between feedings. In fact, trying to starve them out might not be in your best interest because they will migrate to other parts of the home looking for food.

this post first appeared on A1 Bed Bug Exterminator Miami at

How To Find A Qualified Pest Control Company?

If you are located in the Miami or surrounding areas, you probably don’t need anyone telling you that bed bugs are making a major comeback. It has been all around town, it has been in the news, and there is even a good chance that you have heard it from a friendly neighbor. The worst part is that it doesn’t matter how clean your home is or how careful you are. You could easily become a victim. This is why it is best to always have a professional in mind just in the event that you do get infected. Being that you are located in the Miami area, you are going to have several quality providers to choose from. Below, you will learn how you can choose the best for your specific situation. A1 Bed Bug Exterminator Miami

Licensed And Insured

You wouldn’t visit a doctor that didn’t have a license, would you? You wouldn’t get a heart transplant in a back alley by some disgraced surgeon without a license, would you? Probably not, and you should treat your bed bug infestation the exact same. If a company doesn’t have a license it probably means that they don’t have insurance. If they don’t have insurance, they probably don’t have a license. Whatever the situation is, you do not want to deal with a company that doesn’t have a license or insurance because you will not be protected in the event that something goes wrong.

Must Be Locally Based

If you are looking for bed bug removal Miami FL, you would probably assume that all the companies are locally based. Well, this is not always the case. There are tons of fly-by-night pest control companies that roll in town and roll out of town. This will be especially true now that there is a resurgence in the area. You always want to make sure that you are dealing with local companies so you can collect on warranties and follow up treatments. Bed bug removal usually takes more than one treatment.

Versatile Treatment Options

Speaking of treatment, you always want to make sure that you are dealing with a company that has a large menu of treatments available. Bed bugs have grown extremely resilient over the years. In fact, they are not immune to some of the chemicals that use to kill them out in the past. The best way to combat this is by trying new and more advanced treatments. Only deal with companies that are willing to offer these types of treatments. This will let you know the company is willing to adapt and evolve with the ever-changing times.

Must Offer Versatile Payment Plans

If you are looking for the most affordable bed bug treatment out there then you can just hire the guy down the street with no license or insurance. Of course, you likely already know how this is going to go. Bed bug treatment might be expensive, but businesses are just that, businesses. They know people can’t afford some of the outrageous prices upfront that they are charging. Opt for companies that are willing to offer payment plans and long-standing relationships.

this post first appeared on A1 Bed Bug Exterminator Miami at

How Long Does It Take For An Exterminator To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs?

Dealing with bed bugs is not something that you would wish on your worst enemy. You probably already know this to be true if you have dealt with them in the past. That being said, it is highly likely that you are probably dealing with them right now. That is probably how you found your way to this page. You probably aren’t worried about the history of bed bugs, where they came from, or that they are making a huge comeback in the United States. The only thing that you are probably worried about is how long it is going to take to get rid of the infestation. Well, this can be a hard one to answer, as there are several underlying factors that can determine the answer to this very question. A1 Bed Bug Exterminator Miami

The Provider Will Matter

Choosing a bed bug exterminator Miami FL will be no easy task because there are tons of them available. And, most of them are quality providers as you will soon find out. Bed bugs are making a huge comeback all throughout the world, meaning that bed bug companies are booked up far and wide. This is especially true for the best ones. Most companies are pretty accommodating and do offer emergency services, but this doesn’t mean that it still won’t take at least a few days for them to get to you. Just remember that because you are in dire need of treatment it doesn’t mean that you will immediately go to the top of the list. This is why it is best to call as soon as you discover that you have a problem.

The Type Of Treatment You Choose

Technology has changed a lot of things over the years, including the bed bug industry. While there are now tons of technologically advanced treatments available that can eliminate bed bugs in as little as a few hours, it doesn’t mean that your provider will offer them. Heck, it doesn’t even mean that they will be within your price range. There are tons of affordable treatments available as well, but these are more affordable because they just aren’t as effective. It doesn’t mean that they won’t work because they certainly will. It just means that sometimes they take extra time and effort. For instance, a cryonite or heat treatment can eliminate an infestation is as little as a few hours, whereas a chemical treatment might take anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks.

The Level Of Infestation

Lastly, it will come down to the level of infestation that you are dealing with. Obviously, if you are dealing with a much larger infestation, it will take longer to eliminate it. Some smaller infestations can be cleared up in as little as a day or even a few hours, a much larger infestation could take weeks or even months. It also depends on your living arrangements. If you live in a condo or apartment, you might have to wait for the entire building to get fumigated. Whatever the situation is, you can see that there are tons of factors that can determine how long it takes to get rid of bed bugs.

this post first appeared on A1 Bed Bug Exterminator Miami at We have license and insurance policies that protect our customers as well as their property. For instance, we carry what is known as error and omissions insurance. This is a type of insurance that will protect our customers and their property
We have license and insurance policies that protect our customers as well as their property. For instance, we carry what is known as error and omissions insurance. This is a type of insurance that will protect our customers and their property We have a physical location right in Miami. Not that we would ever hide from our customers, but you can come and visit us in person if you feel like we are avoiding you.
We have a physical location right in Miami. Not that we would ever hide from our customers, but you can come and visit us in person if you feel like we are avoiding you. We provide various solutions such as heat treatment, chemical and freezing methods. Lets get full control of that bed bug problem – call us now – we are the top exterminators in all of Miami
We provide various solutions such as heat treatment, chemical and freezing methods. Lets get full control of that bed bug problem – call us now – we are the top exterminators in all of Miami

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